Posted by: sethhearthstone | February 9, 2010

Uru Live!

Forget Blaster Master, Uru Live is coming back!  If you want to talk about left behind gamers, don’t come crying to me about arcade action simulator games.  You’ve had that garbage in abundance on every platform forever.  Richly textured worlds full of intricate puzzles and fascinating stories to piece together like an archaeologist is what I want.  Here’s hoping Cyan finagles a more sustainable existence for the MMO version of their adventure game masterpiece.  They also need to make this game better known to demographics that haven’t played a Myst game since.. well, Myst.  Those six-billion gamers didn’t just disappear overnight.  URU is seven-years-old now, so it could run on any cheap computer today.  I’d say that puts it in a rather disruptive position, don’t you think?  Maybe they could port the client, and bring the first appropriate MMO to the Wii?

Here’s to dreams of another world:
